Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya are about 5.5 km to the west of the city of Kandy in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. In 2016, the garden was visited by 1.2 million locals and 400,000 foreign visitors.It is near the Mahaweli River (The longest river in Sri Lanka). It is renowned for its collection of orchids. The garden includes more than 4000 species of plants, including orchids, spices, medicinal plants and palm trees. Attached to it is the "National Herbarium of Sri Lanka".
Timings: 2024-10-05 07:30:00 - 2024-10-05 17:00:00
Shortest Distance: 41 min (15.8 km) via Sirimalwatta - Yakgahapitiya - Menikhinna Rd